The day and hour I knoweth not, but this I tell you; prepare yourselves with righteousness for the field is  white and ready for harvest.
Let us raise our heads up in innocence, humbled, like a little child for the bridegroom cometh and certainly he cometh with fire.
And there appeared a wonder in heaven. A new star is born, the son of the morning!
For as lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the son of man be.
For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Surely the time is now at hand for us to gird up our loins in righteousness, departing from all manner of evil.
If the veil would be withdrawn for but a moment and mankind could see the hold that Satan has upon them, they would cease from sinning forever with fear and trembling!
Know ye not that you are gods, made in the image of God?
Even literal sons and daughters through the seed of the most high?
Wherefore, In what manner of holiness should we conduct ourselves!
Be not of the world, for the elements shall melt away with fervent heat but the word of the Lord endureth all things.
Behold! The destruction of the wicked cometh soon and on the sudden! Therefore repent ye ends of the earth for the time is at hand! Even at our doors.
Even so, I leave my testimony by the authority of the Levitical Priesthood through the power of the Holy Ghost that these things are true. Wherefore prepare yourselves by continuing to pray always, giving all thanks and praise, making your temporal and spiritual needs known unto  God.
If you do these things and break not the promise, you will see that the hand of God does raise up and prosper those who serve him with unwavering diligence through obeying all covenants, commandments and ordininces of the Restored Gospel.
Woe unto the man that heeds not these words for it would be better that he was never born.
For if the wicked must be destroyed, then what would the point their lives be?
In those days men shall seek death but it shall flee from them.
Behold, A vision enlightened my understanding and I did see the kings and princes of the world that they did flee to the mountains and their dens to escape the wrath of the Living God*
For surely the cup of his wrath is full and the world is ripe in iniquity!
Wherefore again, I beesech you my brothers and sisters to choose ye this day to serve the very God who created you.
For he hath already given thee the gift of life so accordingly you are already in debt to him.
Therefore I would again cry repentence unto this people! That they might, this day, call upon God and make a covenant with him that is everlasting. That they would make the decision to put away all sin and seek happiness, joy, and contentment through the power of the Holy Ghost which is in you.
And this covenant would withstand all of time. From eternity to eternity would this covenant continue. And lo, not even the bands of hell could break it*
Call upon your creator with a mind that is not puffed up with the vain teachings of the world.
For ye are not of the world nor does the world satisfy*
For Behold I speaketh of the power of the Holy Ghost!
Put not your trust in flesh for it shall pass away.
Instead choose ye from this moment on to look forward with the light of hope beaming in your eyes, knowing that ye have excercised your godly right of choice to become blameless, spotless, and pure.
Then ye will give up all manner of sin and gain faith, love, and charity.
For everything that corrupts is corrupted, therefore it can not last.
Wherefore put your hope and trust in the Word of God, which is eternal and cannot pass away.
And do this knowing that ye shall be a joint heir to that power, which burns and edifies our very hearts & souls, refining them, as silver refined in a fiery furnance.
Therefore be ye perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect.